Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I've been meaning to write about my uncle Paul's show that's on display at Finch Lane (The Art Barn) right now, but then somebody did it for me!
15 bytes is an online zine about local art in Salt Lake, and they just did a lengthy and very cool write-up of the show. Read it here. Great photo of him as well.

I love Paul. He is truly one of my favorite human beings. Ever since I was little, I've connected with him on a really personal level. The effortless joy and kindness he emanates, almost in spite of himself, and his dedication to expression through art have always made him an important role model in my life. He's always been interested in me as well, and as we've shared music and ideas over the years he's always showed me a kind of adult respect that really empowered me and fostered my thought, especially concerning music and art.

I also love Paul's art, so it means a lot when I say that this is, by far, my favorite group of paintings I've ever seen from him. I have so much to say about the show, but I'd rather you just go see it for yourself. Take some time to explore the depth of the world of marks and subtleties he creates, and then call me and we'll talk about it. Or just let me know when you're going so I can come too :)

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